
The communication break down from the stage to the audience is:

10% - Verbal / Musical

(Song Lyrics, Words Spoken, The Music)

30% - Emotional

(Tone of Voice, Your Heart, Passion)

60% - Visual

(Body Language, Visual FX)

I remember one night having a conversation with my dad about the work I’ve been doing with artists. Commenting on an intro of a concert that he and my mom recently attended, my dad said, “People (the audience) don’t always know when something is done right on stage, but they can always tell when something is done wrong.

As artists, we all struggle with the same problem when we are on stage. That problem is CommunicationCommunication is the core of our human experience. Yet, we struggle with it. If communication is lacking, disconnect is created. 

The most notable problem in communication is a misunderstanding that is has taken place. Lack of communication is one of the leading causes of divorce and amongst the top reasons why employees are unhappy in their workplace. The same goes for communication from the stage to the audience.

Many artists think just because they sing and play well that their message is well communicated and fully received, when in reality they are not communicating effectively with their audience. Singing and playing well is necessary but isn’t everything.

Growing up, we were taught how to walk and talk. We don’t just start out running marathons and speaking full sentences. But as music artists, we often don't consider being taught what to do onstage. Rather, we think we should automatically know what to do and know what it takes to put on a great live show. Maybe we really don’t want the input out of fear of not being ourselves onstage or being placed in a box. The truth is, I want to help you become the best YOU that you can be onstage and be able to communicate your uniqueness to the audience!

Becoming great at anything takes time, but I believe we can all become great communicators from the stage and in turn, build relationships with our audience. 

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1. What is Purpose Live, and how can it transform my performance?
2. Why should I work with Purpose Live?
3. What makes Purpose Live different from other performance coaching services?
4. What are your prices/fees?
5. If I sing and play well, isn’t that enough?
6. Why do you adjust song arrangements for live shows?
7. How can Purpose Live elevate my live show?
8. How can I get started with Purpose Live’s services?

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Do you want to become a great communicator onstage? Join the conversation! I’d love to get to know you and learn about your journey in music! Let’s schedule a FREE discovery call today!

Purpose Live

Equipping and empowering singers and musicians to genuinely connect with their audience.

Overcoming Stage Fright


What is a Live Performance Producer?