Love and Devotion - Pt. 2

Are you devoted to loving and leading God’s people?

Continuing in the month of romance, in the previous post we took a different approach to love and devotion and touched on some areas that I’ve witnessed - artists not taking full ownership of their music careers or ministries who miss the tiniest of details that often can make the greatest of impacts.

Today, I want to take another approach to this topic. Over the next few posts, I will be writing specifically to church worship teams, but as always, I think EVERYONE can benefit from it.

There are so many great passages in scripture talking about love. When asked by the religious leaders of the time what the greatest commandment in the law was, Jesus responded, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. And the second is like it, love your neighbor as yourself.

Though we are all on different walks with the Lord and our relationship with Him are all personal, if you’re a worship leader, I think it’s safe to assume you love Jesus. I’m guessing you love singing or playing your instrument, love serving your church and love sharing your God-given talents week-in and week-out. If that’s true, you’ve got the first part mostly down. A lot of us don’t particularly struggle with loving ourselves either, but how about loving our neighbor as we love ourselves?

Love and Devotion Pt 2 blog of Purpose Live - a live show producer / live performance coach based on Nashville, Tennessee.

Your neighbor can be many people, but for those of us serving on the platform, your neighbor is the congregation. Your church family. And you have been given the task of leading His people in worship. But are you devoted to the task of loving and leading them?

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:2 that if we don’t have love, we are nothing. Verse 1 says, “If I have not love, I am only a resounding gong or clanging cymbal.” Not even us drummers should be a clanging cymbal!

We need to be devoted to connecting with the congregation. We can’t always get caught up in our own world worshipping the Lord but rather invite the people in to share this worship experience together. That means we should look at the people and pour ourselves into ministering to them.

As worship leaders, you need to effectively communicate to the congregation verbally, musically, emotionally and visually. And all of this should come from an expression of our love and devotion to God and what He’s given us.

It’s a continual pursuit to create an inviting and involved worship experience to share with the congregation, but let’s continue to strive to better ourselves every day and let the Holy Spirit lead us. May we be devoted to loving, communicating and leading the congregation well in worshipping the God who made us.

1. What is Purpose Live, and how can it transform my performance?
2. Why should I work with Purpose Live?
3. What makes Purpose Live different from other performance coaching services?
4. What are your prices/fees?
5. If I sing and play well, isn’t that enough?
6. Why do you adjust song arrangements for live shows?
7. How can Purpose Live elevate my live show?
8. How can I get started with Purpose Live’s services?

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Love and Devotion - Pt. 1