Worship Is Worth It

A person’s life can be changed through worship

To this day, I’m not sure why I receive these emails, but I oftentimes find myself very thankful that I do. 

For a few years now, I have been subscribed to a daily devotional email. I never signed up to receive such emails, but I have enjoyed reading them when I can.

It was Christmas 2021 and as I sat at the kitchen table of my in-laws’ house, I began reading one of these devotions. The title read, “Christmas Proves Your Value” and it was centered around John 3:16. For church goers and perhaps some who aren’t, I’m sure it is a familiar passage in scripture to many. The writer penned the difference of being lost or misplaced and applied it to someone being spiritually lost. “If you misplace something, it wasn’t important to you. But if you lose it, it’s valuable enough for you to try to find it. You misplace a bobby pin. You lose your glasses.” The author went on to say, “People are only lost because they’re worth finding. The value of a masterpiece doesn’t go down when it’s lost; it goes up.” I immediately stopped reading and began thinking about worship.

If you’re reading this right now, I want you to know that your worship is worth it!

Instead of listing all the reasons why we should worship and what our focus and response should be in worship, I would like to just touch on one thing.

Worship Is Worth It blog of Purpose Live - a live show producer / live performance coach based on Nashville, Tennessee.

Your worship is worth it because people are worth it. 

You never know who might show up to your church on a given Sunday and what they might be dealing with.

We see numerous stories in the Bible how God used a donkey, a rooster and so many ordinary, unqualified people to accomplish His will and change a person’s life. If He used them, then he can certainly qualify you to use your voice or instrument to advance His Kingdom from the platform.

You are not just a background singer, or a drummer stuck behind a drum shield. No matter your role, you matter to God. And it just may so happen that God uses your abilities on the platform to help lead someone to having a personal relationship with Him!

In my next blog post, I’ll share more about a recent experience I had where my drumming was used to bless many different ones in a church congregation. One older gentleman was moved to tears while he was thanking me for playing with the church praise team that Sunday morning. We just never know how God can use our talents to be a blessing to someone.

God gave His very best for us. Now it’s our turn to give our best back to Him. Our worship is worth it.

1. What is Purpose Live, and how can it transform my performance?
2. Why should I work with Purpose Live?
3. What makes Purpose Live different from other performance coaching services?
4. What are your prices/fees?
5. If I sing and play well, isn’t that enough?
6. Why do you adjust song arrangements for live shows?
7. How can Purpose Live elevate my live show?
8. How can I get started with Purpose Live’s services?

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Purpose Live

Equipping and empowering singers and musicians to genuinely connect with their audience.


Our Own Reflection


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