Two Is Better Than One
In a previous blog, I talked about a legendary rock group and their performance coach. Like that band, there are many other artists who have chosen to partner with a performance producer/coach, like myself, who offer new insight to live performance. Within the team I’m in, we have many members, all with diverse gifts.
I personally have a team who help me in both my career and in life.
First is my wife, Skylar. She has the most interesting part of the journey with me in Live Performance Producing because she has been a music artist herself for many years. Skylar always has the skeptical artist perspective, which really helps me see material from a different point of view.
Next, I have my family. They have been amazing supporters of me over the years. A special drumming moment I’ll always have is my mom being the promoter of a hometown show of ours in 2019. She worked extremely hard, faced many challenges and grew a lot during the entire process. What I’ll remember most was her introducing the band, to bring us onstage.
My dad has played a huge role in my music career, as he was the first drummer I knew! He introduced me to the drums when I was only 4 years old. My dad was also the one who approached our then worship leader, Deb McGee, about taking me under her wing, to groom me as a worship drummer, at the age of 11. I owe Deb a debt of gratitude for taking that chance and investing so much in me. My dad is also a published writer, who has ghostwritten a couple of biographies, had numerous published newspaper and magazine articles and won writing contests. He is my built-in safety net, my go-to guy for help with anything I write.
Lastly, I have everyone who I am blessed to work with. I originally began partnering with other artists on their show by myself. I now have the backing of the entire company. More importantly, I believed we could make this so much better as a team than what I could do on my own. Spiritually, I knew I would grow, as there is strength in submitting yourself to another and asking for help and walking through a process together. Company intern and now good friend of mine helped me rebrand and create a whole new website for my work and a fresh look for me in general.
There are SO many people who have specific skills that could help make what you are doing THAT much better. That’s what we have to offer. I recently have received numerous messages from artists I partner with that have been such a blessing to me! It is an honor to be a part of your music journey.
As a team, our production company would love to come along side you to help make your live show a purposeful and memorable performance! Connect with us today for a FREE consultation!
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Are you interested in diving deeper into these areas for YOUR show? I’d love to get to know you and learn about your journey in music! Let’s schedule a FREE discovery call today!