Purpose Live

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Tuning In To YOU

Communication is a two-way street.

It should be a dialogue, not a monologue.

I have been having calls with various artists as summer festival season is now upon us! Some of these calls are with ones I’ve been working with for years and other calls are with new potential clients. Most of the artists I work with have a continual partnership with me, as we work together, step-by-step, to produce a purposeful and memorable experience for their audiences.

In my previous post, I shared about the importance of tuning in to your audience. Today, I myself want to tune in to my audience - my readers in this case. 

If you have any questions pertaining to any of my blog posts or perhaps something I haven’t discussed yet, I would love to help!

Leave a comment below or contact me, and I will gladly respond to those questions, here on this platform in my next blog!

I am looking forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, keep on rockin'! And remember; stop playing songs to your audience and start providing an experience to share with them!

See this content in the original post

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Are you interested in diving deeper into these areas for YOUR show? I’d love to get to know you and learn about your journey in music! Let’s schedule a FREE discovery call today!

See this gallery in the original post