Questions and Answers - Pt. 1
In my last two posts, I shared about the importance of tuning in to your audience. I myself wanted to tune in to my audience - by asking readers to send me any questions they had. In these next two posts, I will be sharing my responses to them.
QUESTION #1: As a singer/songwriter, how do I keep my audience engaged for the duration of my set?
ANSWER: For all my singer/songwriters out there, this is a must!
Visual changes and verbal communication are HUGE to keep your audience engaged. There will need to be an emphasis on the subtle visual changes during your songs. The musical arrangements and having instrumental breakdowns are great.
Being able to effectively speak to the audience by telling stories to setup a song, using humor when the time is right, and interacting with the crowd are just some key areas to focus on.
Changing instruments keeps things interesting and utilizing any video content when available will also help keep your audience engaged.
QUESTION #2: When COVID shutdowns happened, our church started live streaming our services on Facebook. I went back and watched a service one day, and I didn’t like how I looked singing on the platform at all! I know you talk about how important visuals are. I want to know, how I can look comfortable singing on Sundays?
ANSWER: I first want to commend anyone who records their performances and rehearsals and watches them back! I first got started on my own journey of live performance when I watched footage of a show that I played in my very first band with my sister and a couple of our friends.
I twirled my drumsticks and played well, but I sat there very stoic looking like a statue and never cracking a smile. After seeing the way, I looked onstage, I decided to work on it - what a night and day difference it made!
How to look comfortable and feel confident onstage, all comes from practice. You need to practice how you’re going to perform onstage, or in this case, lead worship on the platform. Walking, talking and pouring yourself into worship can happen in the comfort of your own home. You then want to take that home comfort to the platform on Sundays.
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Are you interested in diving deeper into these areas for YOUR show? I’d love to get to know you and learn about your journey in music! Let’s schedule a FREE discovery call today!