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The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Christmas time is here! 

It’s the time of year that we, as believers, reflect on the humble entry of our King. You can hear all the world singing His praises in nearly every Christmas song. His birth was the greatest gift in the history of mankind. Nothing else could ever come close to it. A gift with such a high price tag, wrapped in swaddling clothes and lain in a manager.

This time of year, has now been filled with an abundance of other gifts. Gifts wrapped in boxes, bags and decorated with ribbons and bows. Oftentimes we receive gifts we need, or maybe something we wanted. Other times… not so much. Unless it’s an intentional gag gift or “white elephant” gift exchange, we can also receive gifts that seemingly aren’t as grand…

I recently had an artist I work with come down sick in the middle of a Christmas tour. This artist called me to go over some options to get through the show that night. The singer chose to go with a stripped back acoustic set to be able to lower song keys for his fading voice to hit and just have more of an intimate sing-along evening with the audience. To break the ice a little, the artist made a comment to the extent of, “In this season of giving, I was given a little Christmas cold.” Now that is a “gift” no singer wants to receive! 

Later that night, the artist called me back to share how well the show went! Instead of being frustrated with not being able to sing at full strength or perform the songs like they were intended, this singer expressed so much thankfulness for a great night of intimate worship and connection with the audience. 

Sometimes, we need to make adjustments to make the most out of what we’ve been given. I love the quote, “We can’t always change our circumstances, but we can always change our approach to them.” That applies even to live performance!

You never know what “gifts” are around the corner but keep your eyes open! They may be more of a gift than you realize.

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